Francis & Dicky : The Wedding

Francis and Dicky's wedding which was held last June 2010, was the first modern-west-christian wedding tospringe had ever involved. Again, nervous is always with the first thing. To us it was a very sacred nobly yet homey wedding. Seeing two lovers together in a way to take one step closer to one another perfection in life in a holy bond called "marriage" and surrounded by the closest relatives, would always be a precious moments we're obsessed to capture. For the sake of love, here are some sacred moments we'd like to share. Enjoy.. ^^.

what the couple said about us :
"tospringe photography, photographernya ramah..keinginan kami terpenuhi..nyaman..friendly..tidak perlu menunggu lama..tidak perlu jauh2 mengambil hasil foto karena di antar atau dikirim..

simple dan kami sangat puas :)

when you try to take photos of your best moments .. tospringe completed it by providing the best." - Franny & Dicky

Last words, we'd like to say congratulation for the couple, we wish you a very blessed future life with a new role as husband and wife.


Muhammad Iqbal said...

Apa ayah dan bundaq harus menikah lagi ya, supaya bisa diphoto ama tospringe???
Bagus dech ...

tospringe said...

makasih iqbal.. ^^ post wedding n family photography juga bisa kok heheheh :D

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